
A thought, stemming from a lack of real scientific knowledge and a love of speculation

Potential, but impossible to prove solution to the grandfather paradox
(assuming many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics, but
single-universe destructive model of time travel): Travel into the
past causes the timeline to work itself through with the destructive
edits intact until it reaches the point of the traveler's departure.
It then perpetuates the results of the changes back along with the
traveler, if one still exists (and if not the change is that the
timeline reverts to the pre-traveler version). As wave functions
collapse and universes are created, each universe behaves slightly
differently. As a result of many (or not so many) loops through the
same time segment, each universe's timelinefalls into an equilibrium
in which time travel to the past never occurs (causing no changes to
be perpetuated back). As the cycle continues in each universe the
number of remaining paradox-afflicted universes approaches zero. Thus
travel backward in the same timeline would be impossible.

Posted via email from Ben Weinstein-Raun

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